
Price Shopping

If you are like me, your preferences change every few months in product brands, fragrances, and wants....so buying in bulk does not work for me. Since becoming a mom I have become more aware of my spending habits, as well as the prices for items. Before, I would buy what I wanted at whichever store I chose and assumed the prices were usually comparable from store to store. Boy was I wrong...
What I have learned is that brand name is not everything, and that you do not have to buy in bulk to save money...you just have to be willing to price shop a little, and with internet at your fingertips it is easier than ever before. The price difference between stores can be anywhere from a few cents to a $5 price difference! Below are some examples of the best prices and brands that work for my family in the Denver Metro area, which highlights the concept of price shopping as opposed/in addition to bulk coupon buying.

Baby products:
Up & Up Formula - we used the Up & Up brand version of Similac Advanced for Emma and she did wonderfully on it. $19.99 for 40 oz. We use the Up & Up brand version of Similac Sensitive for Cole and he has not had any more gas issues. $19.99 for 36 oz.

Up & Up Diapers - Emma kept peeing through her Pampers diapers once she reached size 2. She had a habit of holding her pee in for up to 5 hours and letting it all go at once. Someone had suggested the Target brand diapers, as their daughter did the same thing and did not experience leaks. For that price, why not try it and see if it works? We haven't looked back. Value pack 144 diapers for $19.99. Their newborn size does contain a wetness indicator, like the other diaper brands out there. As opposed to a line they have a heart that fades when wet.

Up & Up Puffs & Crunchies - Once they are able to eat babies goes through snacks so quickly. The Puffs are $1.50/container, as well as the crunchies.

Overall, Up & Up has the best prices for baby products with a great quality as opposed to any of the other brands I have shopped at Walmart, Walgreens, King Soopers, and Safeway.

Walmart does appear to have lower prices for baby/children accessories and toys. A bathtub toy holder at Walmart that was a Garanimal turtle adhesive to the wall was $13 at Walmart. A different brand frog adhesive to the wall was $34 at Target. They were the same concept but very different in pricing. Sleep blankets/bags at Target $20/bag for Sleep Halo; $10 at Walmart same concept by Garanimals.

Produce- I have found that Sprouts carries the best prices for produce in my area. Their produce for items that are usually $1 or greater in the standard grocery stores, are around .60-.77 at Sprouts.

Meat - After price shopping at the grocery stores, Walmart, and Target, we have found that King Soopers and Safeway tend to have the lower prices on meats both frozen and fresh.

Consignment sales and shops have become my best friend when purchasing clothes for the kids. The consignment sales are amazing because most of the clothes are new and on the half price day you are paying $1-$4 for sleep n' plays, jeans, outfit sets, and more.

Kohls tends to have amazing prices for adult jeans.

Those are just some differences I have noticed and the savings definitely add up. Combine with coupons and you have great savings without going overboard in consuming your life with bulk items or overcouponing. Give it a shot and see how it works for you. Google search is a wonderful thing and will show local prices for most stores and items on the store websites!

Getting Back to Me

A month of continuous illness rotating through my house and I have come to realize that a sense of normalcy might be the key to feeling less chaotic and stressed. The road to normalcy: creating a weekly schedule (check), including at least one social activity for Emma on said schedule (check), ease back into exercising after almost two years of little-to-no exercise (check). I realize life will continue to be gloriously chaotic and we raise two babies less than a year apart, but this will reduce some of the stress that I have some control over.

In order to get back into exercising, and getting in some activities that I personally enjoy, I will begin AM and PM yoga (before the kids wake up and after the kids are in bed), as well as belly dancing. Any kind of dancing would tickle my fancy, but belly dancing is currently what is on Comcast On Demand Exercise TV under Dance, and I used to actually be fairly good at it. Maybe that will be key in helping me lose the almost impossible to lose pooch left over from the cesarean section. If not, I will have a great time trying at least!
Next on the path to getting things under control:
Laundry has been impossible to get under control since I've had Emma last October over a year ago. Somehow there just doesn't appear to be time. I am still having to figure out how to conquer that one. Any ideas on that one?

Making sure I follow the schedule I created, otherwise that was a waste of time, but kept me busy while simultaneously watching late night television.

I am enjoying the new changes in my life, while also slightly scared, but that's the fun part of life right? The journey and the new challenges and experiences we face...and I am thoroughly enjoying mine!


Loving them

Although I still am experiencing kidney pains and on meds...nothing makes me feel happier than my babies. As tired as my body is, they keep me going and filled with love.

I struggle sometimes with the exhaustion and not feeling welll...but I hope the infection will be give soon. I love snuggling with my kids and watching them take in the world around them.

Cole and I hung out on the couch watching holiday movies this weekend while the Goose and Keith went out and about. I couldn't have asked for a better time. Here is to loving and living.


And here we go....

A week after having Emma I went back into the hospital with pneumonia in both my lungs. From there I caught numerous colds and struggled with the rapid and eventual loss of my breastmilk. Some may not understand, but it caused me to feel like a slight failure to my daughter.

Speed forward to having Cole. I end up in the hospital with a kidney infection and pharyngitis 10  days after having him and deja vu...my milk supply is rapidly decreasing. I pump, let him suckle, take Fenugreek....and I continue to watch it disappear before my eyes...once again it is like I am failing my baby in some way.

I know there is always formula, but I wanted to give them the best stuff out there...my natural milk packed with antibodies and rich vitamins. I hope this time I can save my supply.

Mommy War-wounds

"When I pick up one of my children and cuddle them, all the strain and stress of life temporarily disappears. There is nothing more wonderful than motherhood and no one will ever love you as much as a small child." Nicola Horlick

Life rarely follows your plan...especially when determining life altering decisions. Giving all you've got until your body is broken, bleeding, and tired only to be told a cesarean is the only way...when you know you'd push to oblivion for that miraculous baby....and now undergo major surgery with potential dangerous after effects: which of course you'll do. Because as a mother, you would die for your child, even if you never net them. But you do! You meet them, fall even more in love, and know that incision is your reminder that you will, and did, anything for your baby. There is still a taboo and judgment against women undergoing cesarean sections. Those operations are not simple...they carry potential for death for the mothers: blood clots, pneumonia, kidney infections, blood infections, not to mention potentially reopening the incision and extended pain and not being able to hold our own children after they are born. Hold your heads high ladies. We did it for them... we already proved we would put our lives on the line for them. Our scar is that tie to our children that says, "My love, only you matter and I will always put you first over me. I have once, and will again, walk through fire for you. Baby, I love you."

The Big Day Oct 18th, 2011

We arrived at the hospital and checked in. They kept me in the triage room for 2 hours monitoring the baby and my contractions. Apparently the amniocentesis the day before, paired with my nervousness, was exciting the baby already. The anesthesiologist and my ob-gyn came in to prepare me for the operation and get my signatures on forms I was too anxious to actually recall what I signed off on.  I still tried to maintain a level of humor and joked with my ob. As I was walked to the operating room and the nurse prepared to open the door to the restricted area, another nurse stopped her and said to hold off due to a potential emergency c section. Emergency c sections take priority over scheduled c sections, after all. I went back to the triage rooms, not that I minded, and before I could get too comfortable the nurse came back to get me. The other baby delivered fine after all. (Thank goodness!)

I walked into the operating room and the anesthesiologist asked me to sit on the middle of an operating table and lean as far forward as I could. I nurse came in, I don't remember her name but I would like to think of her as an Angel, so I will just call her Angel. Well, Angel put her hands on my shoulder blades and told me that I could lean against her chest, because she understood that I probably felt like I was about to fall off of the table: which I did. I leaned on her nervous, and during the spinal block she walked me through it step by step. I am not one for surprises when it comes to my personal bubble (body) so this was very helpful. First I would feel a pinch from the needle, then a burn, a little pressure, and another burn that would slowly dissipate. The doctor then indicated my bottom and legs would get really warm, and that was part of the process. They laid me back and had me bring my legs onto the table before the spinal block took effect. I have to say, the anesthesiologist and Angel walked me through everything and throughout the cesarean section would talk to me and check in on me to make sure I was okay. I had a c section with Emma, but this time it was different. I wasn't shaking from the medicine this time, and I wasn't as worn from being in labor for over 24 hours. During recovery I was aware of the joking the nurses and my ob had with one another, along with the anesthesiologist, and the comfortable environment they had created for me, I actually joined in the joking! Granted, I wanted to be careful not to make my doctor laugh, I didn't want a scalpel to slip after all!

When Cole was brought out I couldn't help but cry. I was so happy that he was here and healthy. Afterward, the nurses and doctors continued to check on me in recovery and although they tried to help me with my nausea, I did vomit about 4 times. Me and my sensitive stomach. Overall, the level of compassion and professionalism, with a personal touch, each person that was involved displayed helped lower the fear I had of undergoing a major surgery, and focus on the birth of my beautiful son: Cole Thompson Turner, 5 lb. 12 oz, 18 1/2 in. Welcome to the world, my love.


Worry Induced Insomnia

Nothing like a lot of worry to top off the pregnancy insomnia...my amniocentesis is scheduled for 9 AM tomorrow morning and, pending what they find, Cole will be brought out Tuesday morning. I've researched amniocenteses and I am not usually one to be afraid of needles, but this is a bit concerning to me. What if the baby moves as they are withdrawing the fluid and he ends up being punctured? What if it causes an infection in my amniotic sac? What if I jerk during the process and they have to do it again? I realize I'm being paranoid...but these things keep playing through my mind. Luckily Keith will be there with me. He is my rock when I need him...thank goodness I have him!

Snow white

My daughter amazes me every day with her independence, sense of adventure, and ambition. A parent-child relationship is truly a mutual learning and miraculous experience.


Sesame Street Day

I can't believe my baby girl is going to be one year old in one week. Since her fascination for Elmo and music are so big...it is only natural we are giving her a Sesame Street themed first birthday party. It is ironic that Let's Rock Elmo came out a few months ago...the perfect birthday gift! Of course daddy is on board to give her their favorite food....pizza! I am excited to celebrate the proudest achievement in my life. Her smile melts my heart every day and I cherish every moment with her that I can. After all, the time goes by so fast. It was just yesterday she was learning to lift her head...and now she's balancing on furniture and always planning her next move. That's my adventurous, Goose!


World Exploration

A month ago crayons were something to throw or try and eat. Now, Emma attempts to color while taking a closer observation of what crayons are. The amazement that accompanies watching a child learn and interact with the world around them is priceless.


Calming Mommy

Ways to calm yourself before an impending amniocentesis and cesarean section? Groom, clean, and pamper yourself! Pedicure? Check! Nails? Check! Marseille Nails is amazing! Possibly getting a haircut and massage...although this massage chair is definitely doing the trick. A chocolate or seaweed wrap sounds heavenly right about now...lol I sound prissy! To balance that out, I picked up my Bear Apprentice Compound Bow this weekend and got some target shooting in to sight in my bow. Talk about a great weekend!

Countdown to Cole....

Countdown: 8 days to amniocentesis and tentative 9 days to cesarean section. Very nervous about amniocentesis. Will Cole be ready? Sarah and Dr. Furr seem to think he will be based on current placenta calcification and head size indicating maturity. He practices breathing even when calm...very determined baby boy! I wonder if he will look like Emma and will he have as much hair? Will Emma take to him? I am anxious about getting pneumonia again...I really hope it does not happen again. Another worry is losing my breast milk after a few months like last time. I have hope it will all work out and look forward to meeting Cole!

Amniocentesis Information

Time Flies

My how time flies when you have a baby...three months after Emma was born we were delighted with a surprise...we were expecting! Although not planned, we were happy nonetheless. As Keith said, "It was meant to be!" After the initial shock, we had fun with the new possibilities. Emma and the new baby would be about a year apart, they would always have someone close in age to play with. Would it be a boy? Would it be a girl? now that we had a girl, I was warmed to the idea of having another one.

Fast forward 5 months, and we find out that it is....A BOY! The look on Keith's face when they pointed it out on the ultrasound was priceless. He was grinning from ear to ear, and a new sense of pride emitted from him. That moment when you tell a daddy that he's having a son.

Keith and Emma are birds of a feather. She has his sense of adventure and fearlessness, mixed with my spunk and sunshine. Now as we are reaching the last few weeks of pregnancy, I know she is going to have fun with her brother when he arrives. Even now, she kisses my stomach and lays against it. She is not even a year old yet and she is in tune with what is going on. I have no doubt she will boss her brother, but love him infinitely, as well.

Napping Opportunity

Mommy tip: babies usually fall asleep during a drive. Take the opportunity to let them sleep while you get stuff done around the house...safe and sound in the car seat while you pick up with them in sight. (This is not a babysitter.)
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Bumbo, Bumbo, Magic Bee

Once a baby can hold of their own head, the Bumbo unlocks the scope of the world around them, as well as providing a new way to entertain your baby as you pick up and clean with them in sight. 
 At first Emma was uncomfortable in the Bumbo, but the more she has grown the more she has a blast in the Bumbo. It is soft but provides enough support for her back so that she can comfortably discover the colors and shapes around her. I absolutely love the Bumbo....and more importantly, so does Emma!

Crinkle, crinkle

She found one she likes...it crinkles and jingles! Can be found at Target....Bright Starts line. Thank you Auntie Cheryl!
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Hoofin' It

No amount of toys can lure her away from her newly discovered feet!
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Baby steps

Tonight Emma is staying the night with Mamo (my mom) and of course I've got mommy anxiety. She went to daycare at Summer's place for the first time earlier this week too. A lot of baby steps in one week and she is doing amazing...my little lady, baby orangutan. :)
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